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Obsolete frame sizes end of support announcement

1st October 2019, Napier will no longer be supporting obsolete frame sizes.

Read more 5th August, 2019

TC plan

Napier Turbochargers fully understand that operators need a committed and cost effective solution for both maintenance work and supply of spare parts. With TC plan, operators can now plan and budget for routine maintenance of their Napier turbochargers.

Read more 26th February, 2016

Napier at Norshipping 2015

Napier team members are visiting the 2015 exhibition at the Nor-Shipping event in Oslo. This popular 4 day trade fair was a great opportunity to showcase Napier's range of innovative turbochargers and exchange ideas with Customers and Partners.

Read more 12th March, 2015

Introducing the new TC Plan

Napier Turbochargers are pleased to offer an operating cost reduction program for ongoing maintenance with a new service agreement.

Read more 4th March, 2015

Providing global service support: The Napier Service Network

With our Global network of service centres, Napier Turbochargers is committed to the long term operation and support of your equipment, wherever in the world that equipment happens to be.

Read more 7th March, 2013

How can we help with your project?

Whether you need our turbochargers or just our expertise, we’re always happy to chat about your requirements.

We’ll talk you through the services and support we can provide, and which of our products may be best suited to your needs.

Contact us